Today, my topic is,“On cooperation.”
Families specialize in their tasks by dividing the work among the different members according to what they are best qualified to do.
For example,mothers cook, children wash dishes and make beds, fathers mow the grass and paint the house. By doing the same thing again and again, and by close cooperation, a family is able to work faster and get more work done than if just one does many kinds of tasks.
Similarly, it is“cooperation”that makes our complicated modern society work.
Today, my topic is,“On cooperation.”
Families specialize in their tasks by dividing the work among the different members according to what they are best qualified to do.
For example,mothers cook, children wash dishes and make beds, fathers mow the grass and paint the house. By doing the same thing again and again, and by close cooperation, a family is able to work faster and get more work done than if just one does many kinds of tasks.
Similarly, it is“cooperation”that makes our complicated modern society work.
1. What are the responsibilities of college students?
2. True friendship
3.How should you prepare for a job interview?
4. Learn to walk before you can run
5. The difficulties of finding a job after college graduation
6. My views on the expansion of college enrollment
7. My ideal English teacher
8. In life, it is attitude that matters most.
9. Who should be responsible for environmental protection?
10. Look before you leap.
11. Smile and the world smiles with you.
12. The importance of recycling
13. Is money equal to success?
14. China in 20 years
15. If I had a time machine, …
16. Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 17. The role of the Internet for college students
18. My ideal university
19. My views on TV pop shows like “Super Girls” and “Happy Boys”
20. Smoking should be banned in public places.
21. How to balance study and a part-time job?
22. The impact of economic development on the environment 23. The role of information technology in China
1. 跨文化交流:探讨如何在国际交流中理解和尊重不同的文化背景,并建立有效的沟通渠道。
2. 科技与未来:讨论科技对社会、教育和职业的影响,以及未来的发展趋势和挑战。
3. 社会问题:探索当代社会面临的问题,如环境污染、人权、贫困等,呼吁大家共同关注和解决这些问题。
4. 个人成长与发展:分享个人成长经历、学习方法和职业规划,鼓励大家寻求自我提升和追求理想。
5. 健康与幸福:探讨身心健康的重要性,共享保持幸福和平衡的生活方式和心理健康知识。
6. 教育与创新:讨论教育体系的改革,以及如何培养创新思维、实践能力和适应未来变化的教育模式。
7. 媒体与信息传播:谈论媒体的角色、责任和影响力,以及如何在信息时代中正确处理和利用媒体。
8. 平等与多样性:探讨性别、种族、宗教和性取向等多样性议题,倡导平等和尊重的社会态度。
英语演讲稿 ladies and gentlemen,good afternoon! im very glad to stand here and give you a shortspeech. today my topic isyouth. i hope you wil l like it ,and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it. first i want to askyou some questions:
1、 doyou know what isyouth?
2、 how do you masteryouryouth? youth youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy chee ks, red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life . youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite,for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60more than a boy of 20. nobody grows old merely by a number of years .we
• 社会现象:可以讨论社会上存在的一些问题,引起听众的思考。比如网络暴力、空气污染、餐桌礼仪等等。
• 生活技巧:分享有关学习、谈吐或生活管理等方面的技巧和策略。比如如何提高效率、如何与人友好相处等。
• 人生观念:讨论一些有意义的人生观念,分享个人价值取向。比如追求幸福的secret、实现目标的方法等。
• 盛世美景:介绍一个风景美好的地方,讲述你的亲身体验。引起大家对于旅行和探索的憧憬。
• 趣味故事:分享一个有教益的故事,其中蕴含的人生智慧能启发听众。也可以讲一些有趣的童年回忆。
• 未来展望:分析一个趋势,猜测未来的走向。通过充满想象力的展望激励听众。
• 经典名著:解析和分享一个文学或历史名人的故事或思想。也可以简单介绍一个有意义的古典作品。
总的来说,选择自己热爱的话题,并有足够的经历或理解作为基础。结合个人情感和见解,通过生动的语言和例子吸引听众的。希望以上主题 Ideas 能激发您的灵感。
Mr. Chairman and Members of the Notification Committee: I shall, at an early day, and in a more formal manner, accept the nomination which you tender, and shall at that time discuss the various questions covered by the Democratic platform. It may not be out of place, however, to submit a few observations at this time upon the general character of the contest before us and upon the question which is declared to be of paramount importance in this campaign.
When I say that the contest of 1900 is a contest of 1900 is a contest between Democracy on the one hand and plutocracy on the other I do not mean to say that all our opponents have deliberately chosen to give to organized wealth a predominating influence in the affairs of the Government, but I do assert that on the important issues of the day the Republican party is dominated by those influences which constantly tend to substitute the worship of mammon for the protection of the rights of man.
1. 我们需要更多的全球合作——探讨现代社会面临的挑战,分析其需求以及如何通过更广泛的国际合作来解决问题。
2. 互联网对我们的生活造成了哪些影响——讨论互联网在改变我们的工作方式、与他人交流方式以及获取信息方式等方面所起的作用。
3. 性别平等和女性权利——呼吁许多国家仍存在的性别歧视行为以及努力推动社会性别平等的重要性。
4. 激发创造力——设想一些方法,可以鼓励自己开启创造性思维并将其应用到实际的项目中。
5. 环境保护和可持续发展——讨论环境问题在我们日常生活中的重要性,以及如何采取措施,保护地球并促进可持续发展。